Vivitar PS35 35mm film camera
Vivitar PS35 35mm film camera
Note: This camera was film tested and generally gave very good results, however, we noticed it tended to overexpose by about a 1/2 stop (quite acceptable if using color negative film, we still had plenty of highlight detail) so we recommend setting the film speed dial one click higher than the film you use (eg set to 400 if you're using ISO 200 film).
The Vivitar PS35 is a nice 35mm autofocus point and shoot camera from 1980s. It predates DX coding so you set the film speed by a dial around the lens. This camera will only fire the flash if you switch it on (always a favorite feature of ours); there is a low light warning LED.
The camera requires two AA batteries (not included). We unfortunately couldn't locate a manual but the camera is very easy to use.
If you choose '+ film', a 24-exposure roll of Fujicolor 200 film will be included.
Condition note
The camera was tested with film and delivered sharp images; as mentioned earlier the negatives showed a small, uniform exposure error of about +0.5 stop so it would ideal to set the film speed one click higher than the film used (eg if using ISO 100 film, set the camera to ISO 200, etc.).
Example photos
Here are some pictures that other people have taken with this model of camera: