Ultronic Panoramic (Panorama Wide Pic) focus free 35mm camera
Ultronic Panoramic (Panorama Wide Pic) focus free 35mm camera
The Ultronic Panoramic (also sold as the Panorama Wide Pic) is a very simple reusable 35mm film camera with a fixed focus 28mm wide angle lens. This camera is intended to be used outdoors in good light with color negative film (the manual recommends ISO 200 film but says ISO 100 and ISO 400 can work).
This is one of the archetypal 'toy' cameras but it can give interesting results if you shoot and good light and make sure your subject is four feet or further away from the camera.
Condition notes
This camera is in good condition with its shutter firing correctly and its frame counter working. The original manual is included.
Example photos
Here are some photos that other people have taken with this model of camera:
- Camera type: Fixed-focus 35mm camera
- Film: Standard 35mm film
- Film speed: ISO 200 is recommended; ISO 100 and ISO 400 may be used depending on the light
- Lens: 28mm f11
- Shooting range: 4' to infinity
- Shutter: Mechanical 1/125 sec.
- Viewfinder: Panoramic extra bright clear view
- Film advance: Serrated thumb wheel; Automatic double exposure prevention
- Exposure counter: Auto reset progressive type
- Strap: Adjustable neck style
- Lens cover: Built-in shutter locking style