Vivitar Ultra Wide and Slim 35mm film camera (serial 40424A)
Vivitar Ultra Wide and Slim 35mm film camera (serial 40424A)
The tiny Vivitar Ultra Wide and Slim is a cult classic all-mechanical 35mm camera. With its fixed shutter speed and aperture (~f11), you'd be right to accuse it of being a one-trick pony. That said, it does its one trick incredibly well: taking ultra-wide (22mm) photos with a dreamy look replete with flaring and corner vignetting. It's a look that's very difficult to capture with fancier cameras.
This camera works best in sunny conditions with negative film (ISO 200 or faster). We offer ISO 200 film as an option, but you might be better off with a ISO 400 (available everywhere) or ISO 800 (available at a photography shops) film if you're shooting on an overcast day. Please be aware that the viewfinder only shows about 80% of the actual frame captured.
Condition notes
The camera was tested with film installed (it was not developed however) and it is working correctly. The camera has some cosmetic wear (see photos).
Example photos
Here are some pictures that others have taken with this model of camera:
Someone kindly scanned the manual as jpg files. It's a bit small but legible:
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