Ricoh Singlex II + Carl Zeiss Jena 50mm lens
Ricoh Singlex II + Carl Zeiss Jena 50mm lens
This Ricoh Singlex II is a high quality and very reliable mechanical 35mm film SLR camera. It comes with the superb Carl Zeiss Jena DDR Tessar 50mm f2.8 lens (a true classic lens, nick-named "adlerauge" (meaning eagle eye) in German). The camera uses the 'universal' M42 lens mount (also known as the classic Pentax mount). The camera and lens were film tested and performed superbly.
If you choose '+ battery' a 675 zinc air battery will be included; if you choose '+ battery & film' you'll also get a 24-exposure roll of Fujicolor 200 film.
Condition notes
The camera and lens are in very good working condition (shutter speeds travel time and symmetry were tested as was its light meter; the lens is in good optical condition and its aperture blades are working correctly). Lens sharpness with and focus accuracy were confirmed with an auto-collimator. The camera and lens are in good aesthetic condition (see photos). The camera and lens were film tested and delivered correctly exposed and very sharp images.
- Camera Type: 35 mm Single Lens Reflex with metal focal plane shutter and fully automatic CdS through-the-lens exposure metering system.
- Film Size and Capacity: 35 mm perforated film in 12, 20, 24 or 36 exposures cartridge.
- Film Format: 24X36 mm (1 x 1-1/2 in.)
- Lens Mount: Universal thread mount
- Shutter: Vertically moving Copal Square metal focal plane shutter with speeds from 1/1000 sec. to 1 sec. plus B (Bulb).
- Exposure Meter: Two sensitive CdS (Cadmium Sulfide) photocells located on either side of viewfinder eyepiece behind pentaprism reads light coming through the lens and provides average reading. Coupled to shutter speeds. film speeds and f-stops.
- Exposure Control: Stopped-down. match needle type measuring system. Correct exposure indicated by centering exposure meter needle within exposure index bracket in the viewfinder.
- Exposure Coupling Range: EV3 - 18 at ASA 100 (DIN 21) with 55 mm Auto Rikenon f/1.4 lens *Film Speed Range: ASA 20 - 1600 (DIN 14 - 33)
- Exposure Meter Power Supply: One 1.35V H-D mercury battery (equivalent to Mallory RM625. Eveready EPX625, etc.)
- Viewfinder: Fixed eye-level pentaprism type. Exposure meter needle. over ("+'') / under (" - ") exposure warning marks and exposure index bracket visible. Viewing magnification 0.84X at infinity with 55 mm Auto Rikenon f/1.4 tens. Field of view covers 92% of actual picture area (in horizontal position).
- Focusing: Microprism image spot surrounded by ground glass ring on Fresnel field for rapid focusing. *Reflex Mirror: Instant return type. Automatically returns to its original position as soon as the exposure is made.
- Flash Synchronization: X synchronization for electronic flash unit up to 1/125 sec. M synchronization for flash bulbs up to 1/1000 sec.
- Flash Terminals: Two flash terminals provided--"X" and "M". X contact on hot shoe for cordless electronic flash unit.
- Film Wind: Single stroke film advance lever with 180 degrees winding angle (15 degrees play). Winds the shutter. counts exposures and prevents double exposures.
- Film Rewind: Film rewind crank by pressing film rewind button.
- Exposure Counter: Additive type from "S" (Start) to 36. Automatically resets to "S" when back cover is opened.
- Hot Shoe: Built in. Used for cordless electronic flash unit.
- Self-timer: Built-in variable timer with 7 to 15 seconds delay. Activated by shutter release button.
- Preview Button: Built in.
- Filter Size: Screw-in type: 54 mm for f/1.4 lens and 52 mm for f/1.7. f/2.0 and f/2.8 lenses.
- Dimensions: 49.7 (height)X147.1 (width)x96.4 mm (depth) (2.0X 5.8x 3.8 in.) (Body only)
- Weight: 780 9 (27.5 oz.) (Body only)