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Minolta Dynax 7000i 35mm SLR set w/ 50mm f1.7 lens + 3200i flash

Minolta Dynax 7000i 35mm SLR set w/ 50mm f1.7 lens + 3200i flash

Regular price $144.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $144.00 USD
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The Minolta Dynax 7000i (aka Maxxum 7000i) is a very powerful and sophisticated 35mm SLR from the late 1980s. Joined with the included Minolta Program 3200i flash and Maxxum 50mm F1.7 lens, this makes for a formidable and versatile setup. 

Popular Photography saw the 7000i as a major camera release and dedicated nine page for its glowing review/test report in October 1989. It entailed shooting 2000 pictures. Here's the conclusion:

What of those 2,000 pictures? Amazingly, more than 95 percent of them were perfectly exposed and sharp when within the capability of the shutter speed in use. Whether shooting river life from a fastmoving motor boat in a narrow canal with ever-changing lighting or photographing both the interior and brilliantly lit exterior of a Japanese shrine using automatic fillin flash, the 7000i performed with ease and high integrity. Performance, in a word, was incredible. We think you'll find it equally impressive.

Read the whole review here

The 7000i requires a 2CR5 battery (available as an option); the Minolta 3200i flash requires 4 AA batteries (not included).  

Condition notes
This camera, lens, and flash are in very good cosmetic condition (see photos) and in excellent working order. We tested the autoexposure and shutter and they're working with very good accuracy (a bit slow at 1/2000 and higher). 


See pages 70-74 of the manual.

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