Konica Autoreflex T2 35mm film SLR w/Hexanon AR 50mm f1.8 lens
Konica Autoreflex T2 35mm film SLR w/Hexanon AR 50mm f1.8 lens
There is no 'best' camera, but I sometimes get pressed to answer, 'what's your favourite 35mm SLR?' The answer: a four-way tie between the Konica Autoreflex T, T2, T3, and T3N.
Neither the smallest nor lightest SLRs, these cameras feel very balanced in the hands and have an unusually smooth mechanical operation. Their shutter-priority auto-exposure (Konica invented focal plane shutter autoexposure) is reliable and helps avoid the camera shake and motion blur that can haunt aperture-priority designs (the company's ads backhandedly praised competitors' "perfectly exposed blur"). And the Konica AR Hexanon lenses are legendary.
The Konica Files (an excellent resource) quoted longtime Popular Photography technical editor Norman Goldberg as saying, “the Konica Autoreflex had one of the best records in the repair department among all the cameras we’ve surveyed”, and added that the T2 is likely the most reliable of series.
Of course, Nikon, Minolta, Canon, Pentax, Olympus, et al have many partisans armed with convincing arguments but the full-sized Konica Autoreflexes made from 1968 to 1977 are my choice.
The Konica Autoreflex T2 requires two 675 zinc-air cells (optional) for its light meter.
Note: this camera was still called the "Autoreflex T" rather than "T2" in the manual and on its engraving, but can be distinguished from the older (1968) "T" by its on/off switch around the shutter button.
Condition notes
This camera is a very good cosmetic condition (see photos). All functions are working correctly. We tested the shutter and all speeds have very good accuracy and evenness of travel. We verified the camera's autoexposure accuracy is good. The included Konica Hexanon AR 52mm F1.8 lens is in very good condition.
- Type: 35mm SLR equipped with focal plane shutter and TTL-EE system.
- Film: 35mm film in cartridge, 20 or 36 exposure.
- Picture Size: 24 x 36mm. (1" x 1-1/2").
- Standard Lens: HEXANON AR 57mm f/1.2 (6-group and 7-element), AR 57mm f/1.4 (5-group and 6 element), AR 57mm f/1.8 (5-group and 6 element). Equipped with EE lock and closest taking distance 1-1/2R (0.45m), Color Dynamic Coating.
- Mount: KONICA Mount 11 of bayonet type, diameter 47mm, flange back 40 .5mm.
- Aperture Device: Fully automatic EE aperture, smallest aperture f/16. Equipped with a manual aperture device for checking depth of field.
- Shutter: Up-and-down running metal focal plane High Synchro shutter "Copal Square S" with speeds of B 1 to 1/1000 sec. Speed scale calibrated in equally graduated 1: 2 progression, single-spindle, non revolving dial, built-in self-timer, M and X synchro. M, FP and MF coupled to all speeds with M and electronic light to 1/125 sec. with X.
- Viewfinder: Eye-level viewfinder using pentaprism. Fresnel lens also used. Built-in rangefinder focusing lens with Micro Dia Prism of real-image dispersion alignment type. Polymechanical Viewfinder in which shutter speed scale, aperture scale, meter needle, exposure warning marks, mark indicating f-number at full lens opening, manual indicator mark, index point for stopped-down metering and battery check mark are all visible.
- Exposure Adjustment: Variable TTL system using 2 super high sensitive compound CdS cells. Fully automatic EE aperture lens (light metering at full opening): preference given to shutter determination for EE picture-taking. For manual picture taking in automatically controlled correct aperture system, film speed, shutter speed, correct aperture coupled to f-number at full lens opening are read. Manual pre-set aperture lens (stopped-down metering): shutter speed, film speed and aperture are set to index points (zero method). Two 1.3V mercury batteries used as electric source, battery switch and check device.
- EE Coupling Range: EVI. 5 (f/1.2 with 1/2 sec.) EV18 (f/16 with 1/1000 sec.) with ASA 100 for f/1.2 lens.
- Film Sensitivity Range: ASA 25 to 1600, DIN 15 to 33.
- Film Loading: KONICA EL Type (patented Konireel Used).
- Film Wind: Film wound with top lever in one action (winding in are of 162 degrees with 30 degrees play), double exposure prevention.
- Film Counter: Automatic return type indicating number of pictures exposed.
- Film Rewind: Crank type. Rewind button automatically returns.
- Dimensions and Weight: With f/1.2: 5-3/4"(w)x3-3/4"(h)x3-3/4"(t), 43ozs.
- With f/1.4: 5-3/4"(w)x3-3/4"(h)x3-1/2"(t), 36ozs.
- With f/1.8: 5-3/4',(w)x3-3/4"(h)x3-1/2"(t), 34ozs.
- Without lens: 5-3/4"(w)x3-3/4"(h)xl-1/4"(t), 26ozs.